Setting Classification on New Event

The key Incident Classifications for a New Event are defined in the Details sub-panel of the Add Event panel.  The specific fields shown will depend on the current Primary Source of the Event Entry.


Select the appropriate classification for the new record.  The selection made may seed other values on the panel.

The following are the most commonly used selections for the given Primary Source:

Network Incidents

HAIL - Hail Notice

CUQ - Customer Enquiry

INT - Internal Raised

Customer Enquiries

CUQ - Customer Enquiry

CUC - Customer Complaint

WID - Watchman Idea

WOD - Watchman Enquiry

Post Log

RPOST - Received Post

Type of Incident

Select the most appropriate Type class from the pull-down selection.

The following are the most commonly used selections for the given Primary Source:

Network Incidents

Select from List

Customer Enquiries

CEQ - Customer Enquiry

CCP - Customer Complaint

Post Log

GRP - General Received Post


Specify a caption outlining the key aspects of the event.  This field is shown on list displays and used by other Users to identify the type of Incident.

Location Details

Select the Road Number, Carriageway Direction and Carriageway Class from the pull-down selections.  Also enter any Location Details that will aid operators finding the Incident out in the field.

The Location Details are not included on prompts for the Post Log record entries.

Point of Contact

Select the Office or Depot within the company that is the prime Point of Contact for the Incident Record.

The following are the most commonly used selections for the given Primary Source:

Network Incidents

Depot where the responding ISU is based.

Depot that would normally cover the location where the Incident is found.

Depot or Office where the enquiry is passed to for action / reply.

Regional Control Centre if no Response Unit or Reply / Action is required.

Customer Enquiries

Office or Depot receiving the Enquiry.

Post Log

Office or Depot logging the Post Receipt.

Manager (Network Area)

Specify the Operational Manager.  This definition is actually linked to HighStone's Network Areas definitions [ltbNetworkAreas] and does set a number of follow-on controls depending on the selection made. 

The following are the most commonly used selections for the given Primary Source:

Incident Records

Manager that would normally cover the location where the Incident is found - Certain types of Incident may be referred to specialist Managers.

Customer Enquiries

Manager handling Customer Enquiries for the specified Point of Contact.

Post Log

For Customer Enquiries - the Manager handling Customer Enquiries for the specified Point of Contact.

For Schemes Information - the Manger supervising Schemes Works.

DCP Documentation - DCP Manager

Office Manager for all other Post.

Action By

Select the Office or Depot within the company that is the prime Point of Contact for the Incident Record.

The following are the most commonly used selections for the given Primary Source:

Network Incidents

Depot Supervisor where the responding ISU is based.

Depot Supervisor that would normally cover the location where the Incident is found.

The User where the enquiry is passed to for action / reply.

If the Incident is handled entirely by the Regional Control Centre - specify Self.

Customer Enquiries

User handling Customer Enquiries.

Post Log

For Customer Enquiries - the User handling Customer Enquiries for the specified Point of Contact.

For Schemes Information - the User handling Post for Schemes Works.

DCP Documentation - the User handling DCP Post.

Addressee for all other Post.